Thursday, December 16, 2010

You guessed it :)

We are having a little girl!!!!

The ultrasound was such an amazing experience.  We saw her little heart beating, her toes, her fingers, her lips, her side profile, and so so much more.

She was extremely active - moving around a lot!!  It is so strange because I haven't felt it yet!!!  I am just dying waiting for that experience.  I really hope it is soon :)  But due to her moving we actually get to have another ultrasound cause she didn't stay still enough to get a few needed measurements!! It will be this coming Monday!

I was thrilled with the news of getting to see her again! I think this second ultra sound will be even better because we can relax a little cause we know she has both of her arms and all of her fingers and toes ect... so it will be the awesome experience again without the anxiety!

So we are a little past 20 weeks which I will give you a little update of the baby at week 20!

Week 20
By pregnancy week 20, your baby is now almost 10 to 11 ounces and is 10 inches long! The pregnancy week by week changes occurring at this stage are truly remarkable.

How Big is the Baby at 20 Weeks Pregnant?

Your Baby's Growth and Development
By 20 weeks, your baby is now practicing breathing and swallowing on a regular basis. Your baby continues to grow and fill out, with the head becoming slightly more proportional to the rest of the body.
Your baby's skin is becoming more complex now, forming different layers. The epidermis, or surface of your baby's skin, has four layers that contain ridges for fingertips. The layers that form in your baby's palms and feet will provide him with his own unique fingerprint later in life.

Your Growth and Development
By 20 weeks, you are at the midpoint of your pregnancy, and onlookers are definitely starting to notice your bump! After pregnancy week 20 your uterus has likely reached your bellybutton. Growth typically starts to become more regular from this point on, so you should be noticing regular changes in your belly.

Here is a pic that shows the size at week 20!

I have a few bump pics to add and soon I will scan in the real ultrasounds pics of our baby for all to see :)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for the pictures! :) Hope you and little baby girl B are doing well. Hugs and Kisses to you all. Love, Barbie
