Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Beginning of Little B

So most of you know - we are having a baby!!!  We are so excited and can't wait for the day we actually get to see our Little B.

We have nick named the baby - Little B.  It is fun to have a name to call the little one.  So I am a little over 17 weeks! and am starting to feel great.  The first trimester was a little long and not the greatest!  I was pretty nauseous and super super tired.  Our bed time changed till about 8 pm!  We decided to move a TV into the bedroom so Shawn would have something to do and still be close :)  But it will be leaving again as soon as B arrives!

Here is a quick update on the size and what is going on with the baby:

How Big is the Baby at 17 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby is 5.1 inches by pregnancy week 17 and weighs almost 5 ounces! If you were to hold your baby, she would fit snuggly in the palm of your hand.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby during week 17 is very mobile, gleefully moving his joints here, there and everywhere and he will continue to do so as you continue your pregnancy week by week. The cartilage making up the skeleton in your baby's body is starting to transform into bone. At 17 weeks, your baby should be hearing things. Your baby will start putting on some layers of fat in the weeks to come, though at this point in time, your baby is made up of primarily water.
You may be feeling your baby move intermittently after pregnancy week 17, though as your pregnancy progresses, you will likely start feeling your baby move more and more.
There are many natural health practitioners that believe in the power of touch. Though your little one is still very small, your touch may do much to help him feel safe and warm inside the womb. If you haven't started already, you might consider rubbing your 'pooch' in calming circular motions. This will not only help comfort your little one, but will help initiate the bonding process with you and your baby throughout your pregnancy and after. Other women find comfort playing music to their unborn children. There is evidence suggesting that your baby responds to music even while in the womb. Thus, there is no harm in playing some calm and engaging music to your unborn baby.

We get to find out the baby’s sex in two weeks from today if B is positioned right!  Then it is time to start on some fun things and maybe even a little shopping!!  Hope you enjoy this blog! 
Have a great Thanksgiving!


  1. Oh my goodness, so excited for the two of you! Thank you so much for starting the blog. I love the idea and this way we can get updates on you and little baby B. Best wishes to you both and your little bundle of job! Love you~ Barbie

  2. This is a fantastic idea, guys! Love reading about how things are going with you guys since I don't see you often. Hope that things continue to go WELL and that B is positioned right for your appointment :)


  3. Thanks so much for starting this E and Shawn ( and baby B) Love to hear what is going on and keep posted! I wish you were closer so we wouldn't have to do this over a blog. Miss you and Love you! Take care!

  4. Can't wait to see you guys at Christmas in about a week! Time is flying and I bet you are feeling baby move a bit now~too cool!!! =) Hope all is well! C U Soon!
